Welcome, man.
Reach finally gives me a chance to actually make a map. I started a few projects in H3 but I'd always lose interest. I'm a "perfectionist" when it...
Haha yep, Insane changed it for me. You just gotta love that cute smiling cow.
It's not a very dramatic process. You should be fine. Also, contact lenses > all.
I lol'd so hard at this. But yeah, ninth grade is really easy (in the US at least). 10th grade isn't much harder. As long as you actually turn...
You should make one, it just takes a few minutes. Then you should make some sort of "collage" (no, not college) video of you playing each...
Lol, 6.8 would mean that there are eight subwoofers. That'd be INSANE.
Actually, I think he's mad because it's TOO powerful... which is ridiculous to think, but I guess he's entitled to his own opinion.
I don't have a set order, but I'll definitely spend a few hours in forge, maybe try a few campaign missions, and then hit up Matchmaking to...
The DMR is definitely better IMO. The BR's spread made it too easy to land shots. The DMR takes a lot more aiming skill, and it's also more...
The new Campaign trailer was amazing. I'm so pumped for Reach's campaign. H3's campaign was just "meh" for me, but I have a feeling things will be...
Sweet, thanks.
Nice find OP, there are some good screenshots at that site.
I don't have many other goals I need to complete. Actually, my internet has been semi-broken for six weeks or so, and I haven't played Halo since...
I haven't run any games on the map yet (my internet has been screwed up for a few weeks now so I can't play XBL games), but it sure does look...
This. A mancannon would be the easiest, but two gravlifts is also an option.
[IMG] And here's a 3D version I made in Gimp [IMG]
Not to be negative, but that looks like 80% of all the other Foundry MLG maps. There's nothing that creative. The middle looks like it got stolen...
I don't think I'll buy this one. I bought the last one, and now I don't even play MW2 anymore. It was kind of a waste.