Yeah, I found setting on laptop look how good they are now. Rep up for you + [IMG]
My framerate aint the problem, its my friend comming over acting asif he knows it all pretending I need a new graphics card, by the way I just...
Hello Everyone, Is there any computer buffs out there? that know if my: Brand New HD Dell Inspiron 1525 Laptop Can run...
[IMG][IMG] I wonder what that's from... I like stuff simple too, is that vista your running?
Nice, very good editing too rep +
Would be rather amusing 'scratching' down there all day, replace the word scratching with...
Same with me, she goes outside to use the toilet.. and then she just howls until she gets in, then craps.
Lol, yeah I got pwned of a drunk dude, though my dog takes him to the ground and I kick him a few times, and run away.
Its like a newspaper article, that jumps around topic, go awken then come back. *Drinks coffee*
Most of the time when I see bad lines like this I gringe, I gringe and then maybe gringe some more.
Dude Its meant to be a article type idea, meant to jump from topics just suggest new paragraphs don't just say that then be done with it. Make...
I'd like to be envolved in youtube video LOL be so funny. Read your PM
Save me a spot, I'll get to work ASAP.
No, lol obviously you have to have hit puberty.
Wow, bungie can't even tell if its a mod no more what is this earth comming too!
Remember I said I will post my English essay first drafts, tell me what you think and suggest alternitive areas please The Train wreck -...
5/5 Even though I hate needlers good job.
Umnn, No idea whats being implied here... I'll just move on.
There are alot, I mean alot, of my firends that buy cheap games for the achievements like any crappy film games etc.
This is awesome, 5/5 and this is your first Aesthetic map! Well done keep making maps dude that was superb!