Looks pretty awesome :) I haven't seen any effect similar to that (Y) Nice :D
Cheers dude (Y) :D It is one of my best (Y)
Cheers dude! Modding Maps :/
One screenie i made a long time ago...With my friend in recon.... before i lost fileshare :( So can't take new ones :( Buts im proud of it (Y)...
My mistake dude. Of course you make a fair point; but i understand. Sometimes I get annoyed (not with this site; B.net) as there are some maps; no...
Are you talking about me? In no way am i trying to act superior.
Nah, i never really post, till recently with Mythic... :) Silent Member... I've seen one map from a new member or not so profound and it was...
I have to differ- The sudden influx of maps on here have not been how it was when it was foundry, where everyone chucked boxes together (including...
That sir... is an amazing map... Great build; Clearly took alot of time, and the general shape of it seems very professional :) Ill be happy...
Looks pretty awesome :) Similar to the 'Jenga' idea, but with more fire :D Will give this a Download ... :) Always a fan of new zombie maps ;D
I don't think its a lack, i've got 3 ideas im working on; i just want to make them good; i don't want to pump out a rubbish map.
Amazing, that interlocking must've taken you a while; and for such a detailed map quite early on; im a taken back. Is great 9.9/10 (as its not...
Why Criticise? At least its another map to play :) People do remakes of other levels on Foundry, why not Guardian? Its a test of this dudes...
Looks pretty awesome ;) Surely there's only room there for what; 4 Hogs?
My mistake :( Sorry ; will edit post
O awesome ;) Yea Sure, ill get a screenie up as soon as my friend can take one :) If your also working on Ascension, we could work together :)
You pretty much owned it! Congrats still (Y) I'm sure everyone that uses Sketchup, will find this extremely useful (Y)
Hey all :) Well I was just wondering if anyone here is working on some maps on Sandbox? If so, post the names here, Pic's if you have them,...
Thats probably never going to happen, as you can't remake terminal. 'Accurately'.
Looks great :) Well done :D Good to see some maps coming available:D