Great Graphics, the Co-op is coool :) and its a massive improvement on the first one :) Will probably end up getting this . . .
I get so lost on these tournament maps :( A few tries will be good me thinks. Another excellently forged map though
Dude like 3 days past and we need to arrange this match!
Hey all :) Hows it going :D -I've been inactive for a fairly long time> Just finished my A-Levels and am a free man now :D So going to be...
Scratch my last post : Here you go :D Link
I can give it to you in game. Thats only way left i think :S ...Fileshare ban and all that jazz lol :) Send Glitch100 a message saying MAP
WoW! Well Valve rarely disappoint, and with that much time on a game, i hope its B I G :) Thanks for the info there dude !
I just want the new HL :: Episode 3, of HALF LIFE 3 ... They have been working on it for SO long! Its such an amazing set of games aswell... A...
Epic Fail? I doubt its that bad haha -=-Nice idea though dude (Y) And at least it is still playable, and you have put a general structure...
Looks pretty awesome dude! Nice one ! Be sure to put a link to this post in your sig aswell! I was thinking about making an MLG map... But i would...
I don't know if this is in the wrong area or not, but i need some people to help me test my new map 'Confined'. Its finally on a playable version....
Truly Amazing! Excellent Job Dude! This will without doubt, provide many hours of fun, and great racing! Its well interlocked, and has a good...
Just a quick note; Im going to PM aswell, but if anyone reads this who has Sandbox, and is willing to help test out my New Map (Infection...
Great Map! After many playthroughs i have found it works well, and is quite fun with a full party, with Snipers as secondary weapons; you cause...
I think its awesome tbh :) Yea the background might be a little.. default? But its kl :D Nice colours, and good effect with Bubbleshield (Y) 4/5
I feel sorry for my friend, he has been working on a map with 1 Section; almost identical to this but you can get out, and land in a 'lower...
Pretty Good (Y) I remember the days i started after effects... *dreams and dribbles* Are you sure your saving in the right Codec? And with an FPS...
I am on a 25% Progress Remake, which will only be slightly 'Spiritual' though i need some help doing it. I will take some pictures at some...
It actually looks quite playable ;) I will Definently download this one and give it a game with my custom friends :D Nice build (Y) How many Hours...
Much better than your original post that's for sure: But i think you should've just edited your main post on the other one, and added it (Y) Tis...