Yeah, I encountered the same thing with my Citadel remake initially. Version 1.0 I was unable to spawn any more than 3 hill markers for KOTH....
I figured out another way to set objects to a precision height. Involving magnets. Simply pull the piece that you want at a fine tuned height...
I beg to differ, I think all the Haven call outs are good. Although some bigger maps like Exile, the call outs are too few. There are an abundance...
I beg to differ. Halo's Edge, which was inspired by Mirror's Edge worked very well back in the good 'ol days of Halo 3. I personally would love to...
I just made mine Extraction compatible. Also, I don't think its necessary to make it Dominion compatible since its a smaller map. Dominion works...
--UPDATE-- Map version 3.4 is now available on my fileshare. The only change from the previous version is its now compatible with Extraction. Try...
I will take another look at it soon and see if I can resolve some of the lag. For now for the FT3 competition, this is as good as it gets for now....
This is the most accurate I've every seen a remake be. It's too bad that with such immense accuracy comes immense lag. As for others not...
Grifball is now a modified Oddball gametype. Although you could definately use it to replicate Assault. The main differences are; - When you...
Unfortunately, there is places where I can't actually use other pieces without drastically changing the aesthetic of the map, the reason being...
That and no equipment usage, no jump height and 0% player speed. Just to be safe.
You would be much better off just putting a kill barrier above the map rather than a safe boundary. I haven't tried but I think its possible to...
I'm disappointed that this map seems to have been overlooked. Having played a 4v4 match on it, it plays so much like the original and the scale is...
You posted this while I was editing my post. I can see where your coming from but I never said that I disrespect his map. I am just curious to...
I must admit I felt a little scared when you posted your remake of this map after mine. Especially considering your Reach remake won the last...
I believe your referring to the call out system that is in Reach. Where the game tells what location you are in on the map next to the motion...
Yeah well this is to be expected on a game that completely maxes out the XBOX 360's hardware. I have had some frame drops on Halo 4 but the worst...
The lighting isn't really all that different. All the forge environments have once source of light, what I was pretty annoyed at was, I initially...
I wouldn't bother trying to make your map function in split-screen as smoothly as it does with just one player. Split-screen lag is just something...
You were not trying to help because you don't have your facts straight. People don't implement replacements for certain aspects of maps without...