This is my latest 4v4 project, set on the tide pool area between the island and the cave. It is inspired loosely by both countdown and snowbound...
When you're setting up the options for the teleporters, there should be a setting called "channel". If you set two nodes to the same channel...
If I don't get to show it to you in the next day or so I will just put it up in my file share for you to download. Thanks for the comment, I look...
This map has lots of neat little flourishes, jumps, etc. I also enjoyed the weapon spawns. I'd tend to agree with what was said about the lift...
Indeed it does help. I will look into some solid structural additions for a v2 that close off more sight lines. If I do it right and the...
We'll see, that's what I'm hoping. Well this would be quite the restructuring... Thanks, I'll see you on one of these days. Thank you! If I...
This for sure. I may be back with others.
@ GrenadeGorilla8 and Nutduster, thanks guys. I really couldn't have finished the map without your help testing and continuous feedback....
I would appreciate if you did that but I won't hold you to it. I just haven't broken out of the quarry yet to take the overview pic. I thought...
I could have sworn I tested it with you once but oh well. Let me know how it goes! Thanks to you both for all your time testing! I don't think...
Thanks guys. I'm hoping the game play lives up to the aesthetic appeal; so far it has been a lot of fun in slayer. @ Audience, this started as a...
I didn't mean to come off harshly, I was just tossing some ideas around. In general it's not the best idea to have a ledge accessible from just...
Wormhole started as a rebuild of a map called Viroid which I previewed a while back, but it eventually morphed into something completely...
This looks great, but I agree that perfect symmetry in such a small map makes me think the game play will get a little dry; it might end up being...
I really like the covenant theme. It's hard to get an idea of the layout but I definitely see damnation in the map. The asymmetry looks a little...
I love the final version! I especially like the catwalk/overpass in the center. I also love the elevation changes you made. My only gripe would...
I present to you my latest competitive creation, a medium-small symmetrical map set in the quarry. Visually the map is pretty nice and has a bit...
Looks great. The first pic also reminds me of orbital. I think if you don't want the map to tank, you should give it a name more people can...
You could always rotate those 2x2 corners to face down so the bumps don't hinder movement, but then you'd have breaks in the railings, which may...
The additions look great. How do they affect the frame rate though? It looks like just as many things were added as taken away...