Hmm, sorry to be wishy washy but I may be able to make it. can you give me a reserve for now?
Count me in.
Windfall - Some of the corridors were too tight and campy but some other areas were a little too open. The rocket was in a good risky spot. That...
Hey ND, sorry about that game. I didn't realize you guys lost a player until after the game started. Only once you quit did it occur to me that...
Damn, I was expecting the thread up this morning so I'm waaaay late. Can I get a reserve?
So my internet connection was especially terrible tonight. I'm sorry I messed up teams when I rejoined. When I ran by the same mongoose 6 or 7...
Hey guys, still up for the lobby but I'll have to take a quick break at 8 for a few minutes but I'll join right back in after. Ideally I will...
Nice. I'll take slot 5 please. Unfortunately I won't have a mic but if we do the one test then rotate thing I'm sure I'll catch on. I hate not...
Hi guys, this is a 2-1/2 or 3 level 4v4 asymm I've been working on, mainly for TS and one-flag. The pipe system marks out some drop-down holes...
So I should have seen this coming but unfortunately I have to back out of my slot this week. At least someone else gets to play now. Is there...
I'm there.
Thanks for all the feedback guys. Also special thanks to Fenix Hulk for taking the time to upload all those game play vids. I will definitely...
Thanks ND, this means a lot coming from you. I can't think of a bad map you've made since back in Halo 2 (?... exactly.) I will either move the...
Only got to play a couple games last night but they were all pretty fun. Freighter - as usual from you, this was a great looking themed map. I...
I didn't change my settings, yet my NAT type suddenly went to strict and so I couldn't join earlier. Did I mention that I hate the internet?...
I can stay late as well. I have so many maps that I can't even decide what to test. I know I need to stop forging new ones and finish testing...
Thanks for the feedback guys. I tried the man cannons from different angles and speeds and never missed the platform. I wanted it to be...
For ONCE I was actually done with my write-up before the thread came up. Just wanted to get it out of the way I guess: Longest yard - this was...
This map is a lot of fun. From the 4v4s I've played I can say the action is actually pretty well spread out, although I can't speak for larger...
Sorry guys. I'm having connection issues. Can I try to rejoin?