Hey GG! I am honored that you wanted to remake this and it looks like a great remake. I especially like the windows you added in the first pic....
Damn, sorry to hear about this. I had to take a break for a few weeks and was hoping to rejoin for next week only to find this! I have not had...
There is only a small chance I can make it next week, but could I get a reserve slot just in case?
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the map. I meant for that yellow bridge to be a bit of a key pinch point for infantry to trap the hogs, but as it...
Remains - This had some cool features but also some notable issues. The only major cover on the map was the building in the middle, and...
Lol, who's got the herbal essence? Oh and can I get slot 3 or 4 please?
Sorry I had my usual connection problems again. Hope I'm not trying the group's patience but for now there's not much I can do about it. :( Will...
Sign me up. Now to decide whether to finish current WIPs or start something new on Forge Island...
If we can make it online and do join, is there any small chance that we might still get to run some of our own maps at the end? xD I would say...
Sorry guys, something's come up and I won't be able to make it tonight. I'd definitely be there if I could. I hope the lobby goes well!
Sign me up, you pecan-featherer, you.
Scattershot - I didn't quite catch on to the limited lives/hill thing at first but if you explain the gametype in the map thread obviously it...
The pyramid strategy seems pretty useful, thanks for sending that my way. I think the three zones versus two plus an anti should be about the...
Can I have slot numero tres? Thanks.
That's ok, Mr. Pokemon. Daybreak was the floating map on ravine with two main levels and three lifts (one in the center/back of the map and two...
Actually, scratch that. It seems to be working now, but thanks guys. I think it just had to do with me not using enough respawn and antizones....
So I've been trying to set up Wetwork (erosion) for one flag and I've had a slight problem. I have the hidden flag stand issue worked out fine...
Archway - this played well and there were some nice little improvements made. I'm not sure if I've said this before but I felt like the damage...
Sorry guys, I got booted from xbl yet again. Hope I can rejoin soon.
So I am definitely coming tonight, but I may not be able to stay the full three hours. No double entendres about "coming" this time. I only mean...