I love the style and presentation of this post. It got me really excited. For something I have had for weeks. Oh well.
My girlfriend has clinical depression - she used to smoke a lot of pot thinking it was helping, but actually it was just shutting her brain down....
It is possible that I may percieve visible light to the right of the spectrum as blue, you may see it as yellow. But we will both call it red, so...
Thats weird, I host them on my own server. I do that for all my maps. Does anyone else have a problem?
The focus on the christian (or abrahamic) god is an unfortunate one. The difference between athiest and christians is that christians reject one...
Two new forge-centered maps, one set in space, the other set on water.
Thanks everyone for liking my map. Couple of points... I wish sandbox had the compter they had on sandtrap, that would have worked for the flight...
That looks awesome, it looks very well forged to me, it looks exactly like a house. The scorpion looks dinky, like a toy.
My first big ship on Sandbox - The United Nations Space Command One. Commisioned to transport the Unified Earth Goverment President between the...
You dont need to individually prove that 5 x 5 = 25, the amassed evidence for that outcome is overwhelming. If however you were to claim that 5...
If god does have a plan, the things that are happening right now, in your life may not be a direct part of it. It time and space are related...
Do you know what the difference between a scientific law and a scientific theory are? Good PR. That is it. Everything in science can be...
Exams are all about testing ability in a controlled environment. Anything trying to circumvent that environment is cheating. That may be students...
I think there is room for balance. By licensing and taxing drugs, you make them too expensive to misuse, yet too available to establish a...
School is the most artificial time in your life, where success is measured by marks on paper. I sucked at school, but I am doing very well as an...
You yanks are so free you dont even know what freedom is. Equality is not about handicapping the gifted, it is about insuring everybody gets an...
If christianity beats evolution because it is older, then I guess Judaism beats christianity and hinduism beats judaism. Quick, lets all become hindus
The problem with a benign dictatorship, one that governs for the people, is that being in power seperates you from the people. The more you go on,...
I think we both need to be shot for that. cant wait to see what you come up with.