Best dogdeball map ever. The entire release mechanism is brilliant, and thank you for showing us exactly how everything was done. Not only will I...
This is a new, original idea that I've never seen before. Definite DL from me. I'll give you a more thorough analysis once I've played it.
Thanks for the positive feedback guys. Also, I am working on a second map like this, and would like some ideas for new obstacles. Anybody that...
Ok. Thank you for your time and advice.
I did that, but that doesn't seem to have worked.
I've read the rules,yes but how do I confirm them?
It's on every thread BTW, so it isn't an issue of the thread being locked
Thanks. I recently changed my email address, and couldn't post anything at all until I went to my new email and confirmed it. Could this have...
I had to post a new thread since I was unable to edit my previous post, so if you return to Customer Service, you can see a picture of what I mean.
None of those four buttons are there under any of my posts
if you return to the post, I will add a picture to show you.
Ok. I understand now. Nice idea. Thanks for taking my suggestion on the weapons too. I think once you tone it down a bit (maybe one mauler on each...
This one looks as difficult as it is well done. I look forward to frustrating myself for hours trying to figure out how to get to the end. Well done.
Also, I see a teleporter in the first picture and don't see any after that. Where does it go? Or is it inaccessible?
I love the idea, but it seems as though it would be easy to get lost in. Maybe once you get to know the map, it would play well, but at first I...
Ok, Let me start off by saying that this is possibly the best map I've forged. It is a mongoose obstacle course that has harder obstacles the... : Halo 3 File Details Master chief enjoying some well earned rest and relaxation in the pool. Just realized the pic didn't show up....
Ok, I'm almost done with version five. Besides interlocking (which will be taken care of in this version. I promise) what could I do to make this...
This map looks really clean and smooth. The interlocking is almost perfect. I can't wait to download and play this one.
Now if only someone could figure out a way to interlock movable objects...