Thanks. You've earned next post. If you don't want it, let me know, and I'll post another later today.
That's it. Nice job. And yes, I'm positive someone is there. He's just dark brown, and the angle makes him hard to see, even in game.
Ok, no one has posted a new one in awhile, so I hope you guys don't mind if I do: [IMG]
If it has been another "doggy style" picture, I wouldn't have posted it. I've never seen a "making out" position before, so I decided to post. If...
I respectfully disagree on all three counts. There already IS another slot opposite the first one. The humans arent SUPPOSED to be able to fight...
Okay, this one was taken by me, and the khaki spartan IS me. I think its awesome how their arms kind of wrapped around each other the exact second...
I'm pretty sure you should run after asking that question. He's probably behind you right now.
Ummm...? Should I be afraid?
Some hot elephant on elephant action. [IMG] NOTE: This is not my screenshot. It was done by my friend Fo Shiz 64. He doesn't have, or desire a...
I'm sure you calculated that statistic all by yourself right? Lol. Anyways, I think this gametype idea is brilliant. And if you want a lure to...
The interlocking looks a bit messy to me. Not that that would normally be much of a problem, but it's too the point that it makes the gameplay...
This map looks pretty slick. The temple-like base area is what caught my eye. I'm thinking this is gonna be boatloads of fun to play on, and the...
I'm sorry, but I don't see any merging whatsoever. Anyways, I am a firm believer that maps don't need it, but we all have to agree that it makes a...
Let me start out by saying that your forging skills are amazing. Everything is perfectly interlocked. The gameplay looks pretty fun as well, and...
Absolutely amazing. This almost perfectly duplicated the concept art. There are a few merges that could be cleaned up a bit, but other than that,...
It doesn't seem like a lot of thought of effort went into this. Not counting the spawns (which I can't see), there are only 28 objects placed in...
He DID NOT rip off Blast Off! Play the map before you make such accusations. Seriously. In blast off, two teams go head to head and try to float...
This isn't anywhere near as difficult as some that I've played. Try and make some harder obstacles. Actually, scratch that. Played it, and its...
You can't. That's just how it works. But if you don't take screenshots and upload them, your post will most likely be deleted. If it's that...
Hey, I was just curious I you had any maps uploaded to ForgeHub. If so, I'd like to see them.