I, like you believe in a God. I just don't think he is omnipotent, and I don't think Jesus was the messiah. That doesn't mean that I don't think...
If you look at the thread rules, to answer, you're supposed to circle the spartan on paint. Dark Falcon himself said to please post like that...
Guys, no one found the spartan in Dark Falcon's pic yet. Please don't post pictures unless you guess the answer to avoid confusion like this. If...
Finally someone else understands. I am sick and tired of getting 12 or 13 of my team's kill in team slayer, and getting yelled at, when I only...
Basically, you just have to keep playing until you get them. You can cheat to get them, but that isn't going to give you the same sense of...
I never claimed that my maps were like races. They are OBSTACLE COURSES. I'm not talking **** about your maps either. I'm giving constructive...
I have played maps on foundry that are very similar to this, but they are in an inescapable dome arena. Most of these maps just seem more fun than...
It seems too dark to me.
I'm still confused as to how the playlist itself is going to work. Could anyone clear that up for me?
I am currently working on a puzzle map like this. So please, when I post it, don't yell at me for stealing your idea, as I've been working on it...
I am loving the first effect. Simply amazing.
That's totally his foot sticking out of the overshield. [IMG] It's a little small, so just look there on Artico's pic.
I am also gonaa have to vote for Rabbiittt's. Absolutely love that shot.
I'm impressed with how much this has improved on the original. I still think it's a little small, but that doesn't matter. The aesthetics have...
You are supposed to have your links go directly to the page where you download the file. There should be two links if there's a gmetype: one for...
If no one posts a new one by 10:00 today, then I will. Just trying to keep the thread moving guys. Or maybe I can nudge Articonecro into posting...
Yep. Nice job. Your turn.
Donii Please adhere to the rules of the thread and circle the spartan on the picture using paint or a similar program, as I cannot give credit if...
Since Dark Falcon is offline, I'll post one. It's not as hard as my last one though. [IMG]
I'm pretty sure Dark Falcon has it, can we get a confirmation, so he can post a new pic?