Wow, great job! I got to check this out in forge mode earlier, and it's the best BM remake I've ever seen. I was actually working on remaking...
While I would have preferred it to be a bit more like the original Burial Mounds, it sure looks great and plays well on BTB.
Thanks, Randy 355. I think we may have tested it together with JDHarbs and his group some months ago, and the map has changed quite a bit since...
Hello everyone! I have finally updated the pics to reflect the updates that were made last (most recent version 2/9/2013). Check out the new...
That's hilarious! I hadn't even thought of that. That screenshot gave a really good optical illusion. Forge doesn't even HAVE pillars that big!!...
Hey! I'm really liking how this looks. Have you guys gotten any closer to finishing the map? I would love to play some slayer on Relic! :-)
This map looks pretty good. Looking forward to trying it out, as I've been hoping for someone to make an accurate Relic remake. One question I've...
Dude, this looks great! Looking forward to downloading it and trying it out.
Would like to encourage anyone who thinks there's no proper remake of Burial Mounds to go ahead and download my latest version of it (forged on...
Thanks. I would recommend checking out the latest version of the map in my fileshare, as the pictures are VERY out of date at this point (not sure...
Wow! This looks great! Next time I play customs I'm gonna have to give this one a try!
That's great! Looking forward to trying it out once it's complete. Keep up the good work!
Congrats on winning FHFT3! I think you did a great job on this remake, and it plays very well. Happy forging!
Ah, I see. Definitely understandable. I'm in the process of making improvements to my Burial Mounds remake as well, though it may be a week or two...
Really like this remake. I've been able to do some customs on it with friends, and this is by far the best Countdown remake I've seen to date. I...
Standoff?! Nice! I'm looking forward to seeing that remade, as well as Relic. How long do you think it may be before Standoff is ready for...
Dude, this looks cool! I really enjoyed playing customs on your Reach remakes, and I'm sure this one is great for Halo 4. Looking forward to...
Got to try this out the other day, and I really like it. This might sound silly, but one thing that really stood out to me was your incorporation...
Fragstur, just curious, did you ever get a chance to try the latest version of the map? And by the way, if anyone finds any problems with the map,...
Yes, I had updated it a few days ago, so spawning should no longer be an issue. And this is weird, and I haven't heard of this before... but...