K. Well. Lose text. And the arrows. And the circle thing. Looks great other wise.
Well cool. Congrats. It's been a year and a month for me.
[IMG] Cnc please (:
[IMG] Collab with HRAMX. Cnc. Por favor.
Don't listen to them I like it minus the wireframes.. Ice, you need to come to a real gfx community where people are going to be more experienced...
Boredom.. And my girl was feeling down. Mission "Cheer-Up" accomplished [/end lame] And a lil offtopic, but I think your siggy is a rip.. with...
LIES. I dunno. I drew it ;)
Looks good... But.. /dramatic pause. Try putting the textures that you used on your background onto the lettering, so that it blends better....
Looks great. Just add some depth to his arm so that it looks like its behind him and mess with his hand so it looks better, more natural. It's a...
Yeah.. That means you're not devoted? COOL! I want to be like you! ;)
Easy killer. He's not some super pro at animation like you. Cut him a break ;o Sure, the animations are simple, but at least he's trying. Miraj,...
Haha thanks. I'll try. I haven't been talking to them recently... Been pretty busy. It's summer break now! :D
Thanks. :)
Dude. That's sick. Nice.. I just don't like banner too much... I don't like font... Just eh... But rest, is amazing.
Yep pretty much whisper. I admit, I'm lazy. I could do it if i took the time. I'm no noobie at pentooling... The bottom portion of the tiger was...
All right guys. If I keep this thread updated and it stays an active thread, I'll update ya'll when/if the company goes online.
@Whisper, that was a royalty free vector I got. It's allowed for commercial use... Thanks to everyone else. I checked out Threadless and...
Well Depth pretty much blows anyways. And you can execute efx without making a split focal. And yes, efx do help with depth.
No it's not the enjoi panda. I vectored the panda myself. Also UPDATE :D