Flame on BRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH no. Flame on as in the fantastic four dude. Spamity spam spam. I'mma post up another doodle sooner or later...
Looks great. I can tell your good by how welldone the hand is. Hands and fingers are hard, good job ;D i dont think it needs a neck.. But maybe...
Whublam, don't do it, jugg. It's not that fun. Well thanks. I've made a buncha more. But eh. I'm too lazy to post 'em. So I just gave them away haha.
Haha Thanks.
Hahah here and there I suppose. Yeah. I like to mix it up on the noses. The nose on the gnome doesnt look that weird, it's just a crease in the...
Has anyone told you **** you? No? **** you. It was sarcasm dude. Notes are meh. I do these for fun. So serious... Thanks for the...
Well Everyone is just telling you to lose the text, but not actually showing you what's wrong with it, so it's not really helping you improve......
Just two of 'em from this week. It's what i did instead of notes. Go failing! [IMG]- "Whoa" [IMG] - "Stoner gnomes." lmao.
Alright I might get around too it. Yeah the cheif is LQ because I need to actually pentool vector him rather than being lazy and just leave it as...
Based off a LP i saw someone post in a sigshop for a signature.. I was all "That'd look cool halo style." ... Thus. [IMG] Not amazing.. But eh, I...
V1 ftw. Just receed the oval effect a bit. But definately V1.
Hahaha thanks :D
Hahah yeah. Thanks ;D
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] eh? Nothing extraordinary. Just working on some small things.
Hm. No offense. Your great. But you seem like that kid who's super smart and is great at drawing that's always quiet and all that business. It's a...
Lies. Looks amazing. Great style.
Yeah... vector entire BG. not just parts. looks crappy with just parts.. And desaturate the blues and greens some.
Vectored Background.
Is the multi colored stuff smudging? Bad stock choice imo. If it is smudging, increase opacity and use it on another siggy... It looks cool....