You lack faith in Bungie. I thoroughly believe they could make a great game that's not Halo. Also, Halo 1-3 are all different in my mind. Not...
As others stated, I don't want the Halo Franchise exhausted. I'm sure Halo custom games will be freakin fun on Reach for a long time.
I really don't want another Halo Game. If Reach is just as good as previous Halo titles, I wouldn't mind some DLC. Halo Chess would be awesome....
Lol, I don't have down syndrome. Of course I already asked him. He doesn't know. I'm guessing the code thing is right.
Can I transfer Microsoft points? from one gamertag to another? I found this on the Microsoft website. Q:Can I transfer my Points balance to...
Excellent! I like the price tag on the 250. USB storage would be extremely handy, slap in a 8GB and carry all the arcade games you need...
Lol, nice. GG got your message, and he's like, "Hey, I know this guy on forge hub."
Anybody else getting into these crazy modded games where everyone is super fast? I've been in 3 today and GunnerGrunt has been in 4. It's...
From the threads..
I checked...beta keys w/ blizzcon panda pet for WoW are going $100+. The plain beta key listings I saw started at ~50 with no bids. I don't mind...
Deciding winner after lunch... Anybody know when the beta ends?
Excellent, some interest. Now, as to who gets it. Please post your computer specs while I run over some things.
Stun grenades do damage as well. I don't think flash do. I prefer stun for the quicker throwing. When I use a flash/stun chances are that I'm in...
I got another email from blizzard with an extra key because I'm using the first one enough. Anybody want it?
I just checked my email yesterday and I was informed that I got accepted into the beta. The first game I played was against a blizzard employee,...
YouTube- Avatar - How It Should Have Ended YouTube- How The Wizard of Oz Should Have Ended
Well, you have much more than two options. I can't believe no one else said poe kee mahn.
YouTube- KRAFT - Have a Happy Sandwich Contest
You must have gotten an odd one then, because my 360 is LOUD as far as consoles go. Also, from what I understand, overheating is the biggest...