Make it simple, my friend. Remember, your imagination can express a giant manor even in a small house made of a couple walls and blocks. But, if...
couldn't you just put the number of banshees to however many there are, on the item options menu? Wouldn't that make them respawn as soon as they...
Hey all, I just wanted to preview this map, that I started working on a while back, at about the time when sandbox came out. I wanted help with...
Hey, Quagmire. Thank you for the response. I am a little dissapointed that you didn't like it though. =l Well, anyways, there is an FX on the map,...
>>FIRE FIGHT >By Nuvnuv123 Preffered player count: 8-16 Gametypes: Infection; Fire fight V1 Background: So, This is my first infection map that...
Hello everyone! I have been planning and working on a map, but now, I am officially stuck in the forging process. I needed help, and what a...
Hey everyone When I first got halo, was playing through the campaign. Everything was peaches and cream. I played until, I got through to the 6th...
from looking at itt, I cn tell this is a whole lot smaller, than the original. But when forging through it, I really like the effort you but into...
hey man, for all we know, this could be a feature. I played the other day, and it very much reminds me of lots of previous btb maps i have seen in...
it was ok when playing it. very hard to kill the humans though. idk, could just be me. and also, maybe have the zombies spawn on the level with...
hey all, just wondering how to merge double walls, into the floor of sandbox. It looks really hard. tried everything, but it fails every time....
plasmA are amazing, I call them my dual rappers
wow, when first looking at this map, in forge, I thought bungie had made this, seriously. The weapon placement is solid, gameplay was original,...
thank you for bringing the best vehicle gamlay kind of map back. i really loved this map, me and my friends had a blast on it. the kill ball was...
I really liked this map. But while playing some mlg ffa with my friends on this, they grenade, jumped the walls. I suggest putting 2 walls on top...
Sand Gaurdian Created by Nuvnuv123 Supported gametypes: slayer, team slayer Supported players: 2-6 players Description: I started this project...
Hey, I heard a rumor that bungie was making their own armor, and is going to give out recon, when halo: odst comes out. Is this true??? I have no...
halo 1) hang em high halo 2) midship, gemini, waterworks, headalong, containment halo 3) guardian, construct, orbital, avalanche, high ground
What Halo Character are you? Instrcutions: Asnwer the following, then find out what halo character, you are. Your answer sheet should be in the...
Hey, I feel that there are some very, unnesacary maps that need to be removed from matchmaking. Here: Snowbound boundless pit stop...