Bloodbath Creek lol
Well I guess it would seem that you can forge invasion on invasion maps but I thought we were just talking about whether or not it was possible on...
So can anyone tell me if gamestop will deliver it to my house or not? Because I don't want to have to go pick it up at the store. This would help...
Well gamestop is also the only one who offers multi threat armor. I figure it's a nice bonus just for ordering with them.
I'm preordering from gamestop and I was wondering, will they deliver it to my house or will I have to go pick it up? cuz the nearest gamestop is...
was the concussion rifle on the beta? I don't remember seeing it. I know the target locater wasn't.
I doubt invasion will be forgable just because I don't see us being able to choose where the phantom hovers waiting for the elites to bring the...
ahhhh There are leaked vids of forge world out there now and...and... I'm so tempted to go and look... Just a peak... It's going to be near...
Gamestop offers an armor called multi-threat armor and they say if you don't preorder with gamestop then you will never have this armor ever. Also...
I bet Mount Forge is really a volcano and we can fly inside it and forge in there... No. That won't happen. But it would be neat though right?
on the red vs blue de ja view thing they we lowering their guns I think.
I really hope we can get up there. I hope we can get all the way onto mount forge. That would be amazing.
I need this game right now.
I have at least one moment everyday where I freak out over reach and realize that I must have it right now and I can't wait any longer. I'm never...
What if they just gave us a huge map and each area of the map was a different enviroment. Like one area was green and beautiful, one was arctic,...
I don't really care about the vehicle flaws. it's nothing that's going to make the game any less epic for me
I didn't even pay attention to it. I just thought it looked cool how it did that every time I shot someone. Didn't affect gameplay.
it's so sick. September 14th can't come soon enough.
has bungie said anything concerning whether or not we can go onto mount forge? I know the chances are slim but it would be amazing if we could.
So I'm still a little confused about the is there or isn't there infinite jet packs thing.