They're friends, obviously. They both know eachothere IRL (I assume). But can you exlain how these 5 members already on the list were chosen?...
Same here, Prismer has to be one of my all-time favorite maps. This is looking great though, I love the style of the flowing jumps and walkways...
Yes, there is an Object Limit Number, or OLN as most abbreviate it. It's when you reach you objects limit, which is 640 when you use the OLN...
It is highly reccomended to sketch your ideas ahead of time. It isn't truly neccesary, but as I said, highly reccomended. Many forgers, such as...
Wait, you and DANJES99 are the same person... just look at the gamertag. Necropost and unneeded spam post. C'mon dude, you should know better,...
Hello, viewer, sent here by my link because you need help using Sketchup. I will explain how to get Sketchup, how to get the objects(components),...
UPDATE! I know, you all have been very anxious to see the release of this map, and I try to make time to forge, I do. But with school, my...
It's alright, I don't need anyone to help me, that's not what this is for. It's just a preview or what it looks like.
Well thank you Jzzkc, you understand that I can't have 20 people eager to play this wanting to forge it with me. And don't worry, I'm not rushing...
Isn't this exactly like this? It even has a very similar name, though the fact you figured this out as well shows how originality spreads,...
No, I don't need a servant to post my pictures because I'm lazy, it's because I'm lazy and probably not going to get right to work on this.
Lol, that's not going to happen. When I make some progress, I will update, but this might sit for a couple days, unfortunately.
Lol oh god that's going to be intense! I can't wait to actually play it, though I've been told the multiplayer is extremely fun and fair.
I would like to see bth maps, as I enjoy seeing others creations, but I can't promise anything because Modern Warfare 2 just came out and my...
I will consider your request, although you're about the 20th person who wants to forge it with me.
Agents? That would be epic. I've thought about weapons, haven't really figured out what type or where they would go. Just weapons.
A little desperate are we? Lol, thanks for liking it though, I understand. Many people have aked to help, so I figure people want to get in on...
Looking sweet Pel. I like what you have so far,and I'm intrigued to see more. Invite me to this when I'm on.
Thanks, I used SketchUp. It's very easy to use. Would you like to learn how to use it?
I'll try to, but I can't promise anything. I've tried to before and failed miserably at finishing it, so I'll forge when I can.