Try setting the Min/Max equal to each other. It's at the bottom of advanced settings. Basically that just makes sure there is always the minimum...
Fantastic, I'll be sure to join in this one.
Thanks for the praise man, appreciate it. I can't say I've noticed the lighting being screwy, but I did notice the framerate drop in Forge like...
Wow, I planned to join in on this, but it filled up so quickly. Put me on the reserves list just incase I suppose, but I doubt I'm getting in this...
Sad but true. I did not, however, add that to the design as a "bait" for people. I design the map with feature and function, and aspire to make...
I'm sorry to both disappoint and impress you at the same time :) Thanks, I thought it played well too. The center being underused was due to...
The map itself is made to feel airy, both inside and out. The center stretch is there as a risk; it's direct, however it is dangerous. Most people...
Will do. I'm joining a testing lobby tonight at 10:00, so I'll invite you when I'm on. That goes for anyone else too, feel free to message me when...
This map is in my file share. Be aware it hasn't been tested, so it is not truly finished, but I'm testing tonight. If any of you care to join in...
[IMG] Hello again, I'm back with my second map, Purlieu. Purlieu (pronounced Purr-loo) is a urban map on Erosion made for 4-12 players. I...
[IMG] Feels good to be back. To those of you who know me, hello. I'm back to forging again, and I've got a preview of a map I made. Windfall...
I remember this back in Halo 3, had a lot of fun with this one. I love what you did with the walkways and lighting in the center. I'm also very...
Alright, that's god to hear. Thanks for the DL too, appreciate it.
Unfortunately it will lag at times, I've heard people lagging. Downloading Reach to your XBOX will drastically reduce lag, for me it did....
Thanks, I like the contrast of the green grass on the gray steel peices. I also tried to make it one solid piece and connect all of the space to...
[IMG] At long last. For Those Who Don't Know... I present my most ambitious forge project. I took up on Ace's offer and made not...
Day 1 is over. It was somewhat of a success. To Curious Corndog: I'll send you a GT when I go on and you'll get a chance to play it. To Oo...
Yes, Cory, you can send me a friend request. Just know I will go in order of everyone who has replied, so if I do happen to get all my Day 1...
List has been updated. Day One is filled and ready for testing. The next day, Day 5, is Monday. To zombiexix: Day One is full. Do you want to...
I sorry, but I underestimated my homework and since my brother got his new game, he gets a little more priority for the XBOX. I won't be able to...