Phased objects appear spawn in one phase and remain until the end of the game. Use it like that.
But what if the spartans were attacking the elites? That would make it better cause the spartans launch many counterassaults. rite?
Last night in the shower I came up with an awesome idea for a gmetype. I'm not sure if it would work though. Basically its reverse invasion. I... : Halo Reach : File Details This. 30 kills on the cage. Watch me. I'm RDSAMSACS if you don't know. It's not rendered so you'll have...
It might be failing cause it looks a little bumpy. Try smoothing it out with fine editing (keeping left stick clicked in while moving object) and...
In the forums I wanna make a suggestion. Use the default verdana font. Your font (whatever it is) makes you stand out like you NEED attention like...
Buying it? Hell no!!! I like the way it is now. Plus since its determined by angles wouldn't it be KINDA retarded if the spartan was falling down...
This should go in the forge discussion. You are new though. Anyway This is because the coordinate system that determines where objects go isn't...
OMG! So it slows the game for 5 seconds and you're like "OMG!!!!!! I'm losin five seconds of my precious life! This match is only 12 minutes! WE...
Ive been wondering this too! I wouldve expected belt fed grenade launchers that are also flash bangs, smoke bombs, poison gas and EMP put together...
I agree with this. Can't they do this to the existing forge world too with a patch? That would rock.
How do you get a first strike with a kill from the grave? Suicide I'm guessing.
OH! So you can forge from the custom game lobby! That makes sense. No there is no way to do such a thing. I have never heard of such a thing in...
Why? Only tempest is decent for forge. Even then Forge world is still better in almost every way. The only maps I can imagine in the noble map...
I totally agree with this idea!
Rank shows nothing. It only shows how much they've played. Or how much they've boosted. I've seen people stick with me and ALL of them are lower...
I wouldn't mind something like Narrows or Valhalla but NO REMAKES other than those 2. I want a new map. I want one where we can have a super epic...
D : That sucks. And tempest had alot less caves than I anticipated. The map pack did not live up to my expectations. I only downloaded it cause my...
In default forge the scoring system is BASED on team slayer except you can't lose points.
I have a folder. It contains concept of maps, and tricks I would use; and it also contains birds-eye views of maps I want to make.