Hey no worries i generally don't as for opinions but since I'm Actually going to post something decent for a change I figured id better get some...
If at some point during this week you have a few seconds would you mind giving me an opinion on something? Ive asked dax as well, but i just wana...
Hey brah if you get a couple seconds sometime this week, could i get your opinion on a map im working on?
As usual you delivered an Amazing map here duck mah boy. It looks Clean and well kept, Though i have to say have i played it? It seems familiar or...
This map looks very well design and is very solid, I did notice though there seems to be a couple LOS that may be a bit meh, but other than that...
Ragnorok is my least favorite, I honestly thought hell yea i want that map redone. Completly forgetting how terrible it is for the simple fact...
Personally Erosion is by far the best map to forge on, And as proof here is this awesome forged map. You can tell by looking at the pictures that...
because i thought i had clicked on the box to type ><
yup. . . lol
Ok I added you so next time were both on hit me up
I had put itsDaxx but my iPad thought fax was betters lmao. And it really will need lots of planning for a vertical map.
That there is an interesting idea. Ill run some trials and see.
Yea I can't make asymm maps at all. So symm if possible and I added you lol your gt is its fax right? Edited by merge: Lol okie ill keep the...
Ok so I'm making a 1v1 map pack consisting of maps made on each of the forge palates. Retallos will be on ravine, it is currently in testing...
This map explains why i was told to chat with you about 1v1 maps. Really good job the aesthetics look solid and from what i can see in the game...
No ive got a couple that im reworking that i made when halo4 came out. Also i have a couple ideas in my head that ima try out.
Nice! that sounds like the perfect place to put a decent 1v1 map. I would love to see pictures of it or play it someday :D.
I most defiantly will I've got one map on the go right now. If you like add my gamer tag: YourSmallShaft. Ill invite you sometime and ill give you...
Ok goat will do thanks for the tip, also textured sun ill be sure to check it out. Edited by merge: Yea I took a peak see and what I see is...
A birds told me your into 1v1 and 2v2 maps. I'm thinking of putting out a map pack of that style if you have any ideas you'd like to see message...