1. Epitaph-Can't believe no one has mentioned this. Epilouge is a little bit better, but the only gametype I would be able to take with them would...
Looks pretty good, some of the sections don't look very smooth, like the garden joining the regular walkway. I love the stairs with the ramps...
oohh, this looks very good. One problem though is the starting gate isn't facing the way your supposed to go on the track which makes awkward for...
Looks like a decent map, but the center is way too open. Assuming your out of budget objects I would take a few pieces off the bases so you can...
Ah yes, a great map. Would be nice if it had teles over the finish, but no biggy. Well worth the feature.
I can't wait for your next track, original or not. And don't get me wrong, this track is freakin amazing, I love it, and it is good to have laid...
Looks very promising, and a fairly faithful remake. Good job, I give it a 5/5. Maybe it might be worth deleting a few of the cover pieces just to...
Love the feel of this map, specially when your in the pyramid, makes me thing of CTR for some reason. I would suggest fixing up some of the turns...
Good map, I also agree that for the future race track maker should try to add some originality, though I know how hard that is. There are things...
Looks like a great CTF map; the warthogs are useful, but not overpowering. Only thing is it would be nice if the bases had a few more jump ups....
It's a pretty decent mlg map. 4/5 I think that top mid needs a bit more cover and probably a couple jump ups, not just walk ins from the side....
It's an alright map, more of a competitive map than an mlg map I feel. If you want this to be mlg I suggest you make a few changes. The tubes need...
Looks like it could be good, but nobody really can tell. Get a friend to take some pics for you, because if it is good we want to see.
good old 3 for me, tried 4 but it messed with my snipe, so I'm good with the default
very very very sweet. My only complaint is thatthis will be impossible for me to play with my stupid friends, maybe i'll get to play on a TGIF...
I'm glad for the hints cause I always get destroyed by puzzle maps :p overall looks great, I will see how it plays and get back to you on it
I like the map, the jump is good and the layout is smooth. For the map I give it a 5/5. But I'm not completely satisfied, though it is not that...
Damn, I was gona be the first one to post a good race map on here so I could actually do something original, but you beat me to it. Oh well, I...
All in all a great map, deserved to be featured. I wonder how many foundry maps will be featured now that we've officially started featuring...
Sweet, I liked atrium and this looks way better. As long as I can keep all my stupid friends to stay in it I should have some sweet games. I can't...