Finally another truely original minigame, it has been a while. This looks really good, especially since you don't need that many people, unlike...
I won't cause I don't really forge that much, but it was nice to have. I would buy it if they gave you more minutes for the render to video or let...
I'm fine with shotty snipes as long as its only on the big maps. They kept grenades in it to so you can flush out the shotty campers
I am using HDMI with some pretty decent audio cables going out of my reciever. The thing is, I've got movies to play in 5.1 off my Xbox, its only...
It would be nice to have the choice, and you would get that greater feeling of a surviving team together with all the different personalities, but...
This whole forum seems like one big spam forum, but it is cool to just be able to talk about random stuff to random people
Umm, there is a sticky not 5 topics up that asks this, its got a poll and everything. Just use that, no need for another topic on it. And I would...
This was posted long before we knew anything about any of the Mythic maps other than assembly, so all evidence points to this being legit....
As awesome as a Coagulation remake would be, with the major decrease in the BR's range, it wouldn't play nearly as well. If it was scaled down a...
Thanks, and Billy May ftw :D
I've got a new surround sound setup, and I have the Xbox set to 5.1 running through my receiver, but i still only have sound coming out my left...
I'm guessing any new DLC for ODST will either be extra campaign missions and extended overworld, or new firefight maps. I'm doubting Halo 3 will...
You should rename this the guide to being pro at life :P. But in all seriousness, it makes sense, even though it is common sense
Good guide, feels better than the one at MLG pro
3 gives me my leet sniping and a pretty decent BR, though I think my BR is better on 4
Yah, it is useful for the short "hey look at this" type vids, but they should have at least done some sort of rollover minutes system. You already...
A bunch of the new achievements are really hard, like the splatter spree, perfection, killtac, and extermination ones. I need some sandbox...
When I play serious I try to keep a good, positive k/d. But a lot of the time I just play for fun, like spending sniper games going rambo no...
Ahh, I love college humour vids. And Luigi>Mario Thanks for posting this, hadn't sseen it
I'm not a fan of honor rules, because for me i have IRL friends that never follow them, but I cant exactly boot them cause I need them for a game....