I'm sorry that I hated both movies. Deal with it.
I personally did not like it. Why? Because the plot was a rip off of those movies about Native Americans and Europeans like Dances With Wolves,...
Barret silenced w/ FMJ tears up if you're using stopping power. I use that or UMP45 silence w/ thermal usually, with stopping power, because I'm...
A few years ago, there was a large storm that went north of us towards Chicago. All of the sudden, it whipped back around after going past us and...
Today was alright, albeit I still have a bit of homework to do. I learned my case mod will be at my house tomorrow, but I'm still waiting on my...
You need this. BenQ VAD6038 DVD Drive Official for Xbox 360 Xbox360 - eBay (item 250540513984 end time Jan-30-10 01:49:33 PST) Then do this so you...
No, he meant the running.
We actually have Mac throughout our house. But we don't get that attitude until the computer is out of warranty. The computer I'm on's warranty is...
I've basically tried everything from vacuums to singing to it. And as for my warranty, the only left is the last bit of my RRoD/E74 warranty. I've...
I was thinking about that, but I've also read that some have had success just cleaning all the parts of the drive. Do you happen to know the price...
The issue: When I put a game in my xbox, instead of playing it or saying "Play Game", it just says "Open Tray". This is within the last few...
Has anyone here encountered the mod with extremely little friction? You sprint and then if you try and stop, you just keep sliding for a bit. It's...
Nah thanks, brah. I got it. Im still making my sig, though.
Where does everyone get these pictures of MW2 guns for their sigs?
Build some muscle, get good grades, and maybe get myself a girl. It's hard to find a girl you like when your school has such a terrible selection...
I didn't get much. - iPod Nano 16Gb - Flannel shirt - Western Shirt - Cardigan - How The Grinch Stole Christmas tee - $25 iTunes - Vans Not as...
See, that's where you're wrong. This isn't all common sense, sure you may have already thought like this but you're pretty ignorant to say that...
My dad emailed me this today, I though this community might benefit from it. Dr. Zimmerman's TUESDAY TIP: All reports are in. Life is...
Yes. My favorite part of the season is Christmas music, because my entire family enjoys it. On the way to school every day my father and I listen...