TIE Hangar v2 Created by W33k3ndWarrior Have you ever wanted to re-enact Darth Vader's vacation from Star Wars? Do you sometimes find yourself...
This is a pretty funny video from a guy on mlgpro.com Click here I would not have thought to have done this, I would have just killed the first guy.
Well, since Shock decided to make a fool of himself with his video, I am going to show you my shenanigans . This video was for a math project I...
This was a video a classmate of mine had made for an english project. The video was supposed to portray his assigned vocab word "preemptory." We...
It has been several months now and I would like a new signature and a new avatar. If you would like to help poor old rusty out and make some...
This topic has been moved to Map Testing. http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?topic=3814.0
This is both weird and funny, the ending is so unexpected Q5im0Ssyyus "Goodbye Charlie!"
A very funny video about the army and using Halo 3 for recruitung... Click Here For Vid For some reason whenever I post I see the coding and i...
Well my original avatar was of a phoenix I made in photshop, then it myseriously disappeared and was replaced by a plush eagle. Then the next day...
This thread is for people to explain the stories or experiences behind the making of their gamertag. Mine is rusty eagle. Unfortunately someone...
Cratefrenzy A map packed full of in your face surprises "What the hell, did a dumpster just hit me right in the face"-anonymous tester "I've...