Brilliant Map. Fantastic interlocking, great gameplay. Proves to be an awesome swat map too. 5/5.
well done, great map. I cant wait to play it. Good interlocking on the last pic and i like how you have shortened the space on this map. 4.5/5.
Uhhmm... Is this supposed to be for left handers or did you just get bored. lol. Meh, I've seen better ideas similar to this like upside-doundry. 3/5.
Nice Map. It proves for non-stop action in some of my -no shield random weapon- games. Like the nicely fitted in warthog, good idea, nice merging....
Cool, but, massive overview plox? Design on foundry designer or something, i dunno, but anywayz, like the crawling space and keep ticking my...
Hehe. A map where i tell my friends the active camo gives you spec powers.... hehe.. lol. brilliant. pretty ordinary but good idea. 4/5.
:D an infection map that you dont have to beat down barriers, or make your way through some maze or something. Gratz on that and a great map. 5/5.
Great idea, proves for some good gameplay but i would certainly tidy up the map a bit for version 2. If you do that 4.5/5 about 3.5-4/5 atm
Played first version, liked it but everyone kept camping in the shotty camping spot. HOORAY!!!! GRENADE SPAMMING KILLZ CAMPER!!! :))) Great map,...
Cool map. I cant wait to play it. I really like the courtyard. If i was the zombie i would hide in one of the table things. The humans wouldnt...
Hooray! I read all of it! Anyway, i have been looking for good puzzle maps, i'm glad i've finally come to one. *Well, more than one but anyway,*...
Those hallways prove for some interesting gameplay. I really like the curving part too. Anything too straight and close range weapons are close to...
That sword seems pretty important. It has its own room! Great interlocking in the sword room too btw. Also, I can't believe how alike room A and B...
first things first. This map Is Simple. That is what i like about it. What i mean there, is that you have only used interlocking where neccesary....
Cool Map. 5/5 and queued for d/l
Great map... Great Interlocking... Great Gameplay... Great Idea... Great way to Go.
Good Idea, but i think as a zombie i would get pretty darned bored.
Loved this map and i loved number 2. It would be well worth making a number 3.
looks great. i'll definitely d/l
Yeah, I won't be one making it, but i'll let you know if i find a map that you might be after.