OBJECTION!!! (wtf phoenix wright) Though there are quite a lot duck hunt maps out there these days, only a few of them are made well enough to...
The concept is great, though the gameplay will easily become boring and repetitive since there is essentially only one path you can take to win.
Have you submitted this map in ATLAS yet? I'm certain they could use a map like this for gametypes such as Team Swat or Team Snipers (though both...
Placing a bunch of useless killballs around the map won't make the map more appealing.
It's cool how the map is built on thin air, though the layout of the battlefield itself is too simple. I do not know how difficult it is to create...
I was going to try it, but sadly the links are not working.
Personally, which version do you prefer? The MLG version or the Normal version?
The layout is absolutely incredible! It does make me wonder how having a set of narrow hallways will affect the gameplay... but hopefully it's for...
I say you should post v2 before the hype goes down.
If you intentionally made this part challenging for some users, I reckon I should not argue. What bothers me though is that the residue of the...
I'm assuming that ShaddoBlade would have to shorten the length of the track if he decided to build it in the skybubble.
Take some time to assess how most Halo 3 players do not have Sandbox. Fix*d.
The middle seems far too open for my taste. I doubt ANYONE could reach that OS before getting shot down by sniper bullets.
I was commenting on the smoothness of the lane that connects the start and the end of this track. It seems as though the drivers will be forced to...
The re-entry point isn't quite as 'laid back' as the rest of the track. I suggest reworking that before you move on to other projects.
Believe it or not, you just contradicted yourself.
This thread should be moved to Forge Discussion.
- The map seems way too open to be suitable for ANY gametype. - Objects and weapons are littered all over the canvas. - Players who are...
So you can't get out? If so, that's really a bummer. But I suppose you'd get killed pretty quickly anyways, so I guess it ain't much of a problem....
Teleporter Jail Cells? How exactly would they operate?