When you actually play the map you will realize that there is no lack of cover. The structures are placed strategically so that they block certain...
Great job on the map dude. The walkways and railing along with it look great and i think the center really makes this map special. The first...
That is why it is in the astedic maps or how ever you saw it, nice inter locking. the picture and that looks like exacly the same.i hope to see...
jeff dude wtf... You r stoelz my sig =O
Once again another brillaint map made by you. beleieve it or not, i actully got really excited just because i saw it was map by you. all the...
Very great playiblility and inter locking. i dled and played with friends its toatly fun. might want to change the name tho, when i first saw it,...
Good picture 3.5/5 but what does this have to do with seira 117 ( mastercheif)?
I think your spirit goes into another animal every time you die ( including humans). edit : and you can't remember your last life
It's really believebly because of that reason, i don't think the world will end, iI just think something really bad will happen. like if youve...
I like your style of pictures alot, the second one is very in you face and i like the editing you did to them. The would be great if you didn't...
You mean roadblocks? I only saw one of those. and you can just walk through them
dude go to furom chat
omg if u look in that big hole in the overveiw it totally looks like there is sand on some walls.. btw great map 5/5
It does not hurt you at all if you put the power drain in the hole, and this uses like 3 singleboxes and 2 double boxes , 1 grav lift, and 3 doors...
dont you die when you go down the sky bubble??
looks a little small, but i do like the windows at the top. ill try it out and get back to you. 4/5
ya, then it would actully be a sniper mini game. good idea
wow this is really great, i cant beileve it works so well, i did find a glitch in it though. you could just put the power drain right next to the...
u any goods at grifball?