I'd say DOOM is my favorite arcade game. Spades and 3D Minigolf are fun too.
I only have 1 wireless 360 controller a Les Paul and an Xplorer. But for the original Xbox I have an official one, a medium sized one, and a...
Yeah, they released it in E3. I still think they could have chosen better songs from some of the artists (Metallica, Judas Preist, etc.) but I...
Is it just me or does Pickachu give surprise Buttsex to the blue one from :21-:24?
I just recently got into Venom and All That Remains, but they're ****ing incredible. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XZnjTELeVI...
You're "Worried About Ray" video is broken. But, this isn't really my type of music, but I do enjoy the music videos newer bands make. Also, is...
Ticks have got to be the most disgusting bugs around. I got 2 one day when I was golfing. Luckily they hadn't gotten as far in as they did to you....
Yeah, my dad sent this video to me a while back and I still got tears.
I saw this on the Bungie forums yesterday, I thought about posting it, but I figured you'd stumble across it... Normally I'd be skeptical, but...
M16 w/ ACOG is all I use any more. Bandolier, Stopping Power, and Deep Impact let me get around 20 kills pretty easily. Although, I'm still only a...
There's two things I don't like about it. First, the render is kinda 1980's film fuzzy, not sure how to describe it, but whatever effect you're...
Getting a 6 way tie in Lone Wolves takes over 9000 games to get a level up. The only thing it's good for is getting achievements. Not that it...
I think Slayer has a good opinion on this matter. They say the Bible is "just the Folklore of it's time" which I think is an accurate description...
Exactly, try strumming 2 times each waterfall, that way if you aren't fast enough and miss the second note you'll at least grab the last note.
A few years back I saw a bunch of hoax shows on Discovery Channel (not sure about the network) like Bigfoot and the Chupacabra. Although the...
It's because you have a static sigma. You've never lost a game in Team Slayer, therefore you have a very low sigma. This makes leveling up very...
Well, I can't play that fast, so I play the downwards waterfalls and skip the up note. That's only because I can play down better than up, but if...
Woo, I beat it. [IMG] It was an interesting use of 15 minutes. I didn't realize how hard it would be to stop Global warming though! Once I found...
Exactly. My parents bought a truck to haul our boat, and my brother ended up commuting to work with it, but it gets about 10 mpg (highway) so we...
I'm somewhat indifferent on this issue. Sure it sucks to be the animals that are tested on, but think of the alternatives. I can only think of...