Ok 2 things. 1. That graph shows GHB (Date rape drug), LSD, and Ecstasy are all around the same harm as Marijuana, but with less dependence, so...
Yeah I noticed that too, the youngest one looks like she's 12 at max. The men were huge too, but I think they were legit, I mean at least they...
[spoiler] Anyways, it's nice, I like the horizontal lines in the background, and the green one is for sure better.
Those are super creepy. But...kinda, funny.
It seems like there's been a lot of beneficial discoveries lately. Cancer, HIV, Aging... soon enough we won't die unless we're killed by someone else.
Do you mean despite the fact that the last 2-3 tiers of GH1-3 have been 90% metal? The only one I can think of that wasn't was Frankenstein, but...
This looks better. I'm kind of anal, so I notice little things :shiver: but yeah, I really like the look of this picture.
I think the first picture would be better with more/less of the ground, since it's a sliver, but it's noticeable. But they're good.
I saw this on the news a few hours ago, do they know what the cause of death was yet?
That was the best video I've seen in a while. Too bad they didn't do the whole song. :cry:
If Blockbuster can't fix it, you'll need a new disk. I'm wavering on the edge of having to get my 3rd disk, because something about Halo disks...
Yeah, I recently started using the RPD and once you get the grip, it's basically an automatic M16 with more range than Red Dot. I got 7 kills on...
I really don't get this, at all, but do 74.
I heard too many complaints about it, and I'm content with 2, so I'll stick with FF2.
I never cared for his comedy or his show, but he was a good film actor. Still, it's sad to see someone so famous die young.
Kapura, another friend, and I could try the endless setlist, but on drums Kapura can only do most songs on hard, and our other friend fails on...
The 2 forge spawn points on the left elite kind of ruined the whole pic for me...
What? He said it was a prank, not that he wasn't sure if it was.
It's when you do damage but someone/something other than your team finishes them off. Like Friendly Grenades, Jumping off the Edge, suicidal...
Rofl...I wonder if that wasn't considered corny back when that was made.