I'm not a huge fan. I don't particularly enjoy the singer's voice, and their music doesn't fit with his tone. Also, your second video is broken...
He put me to sleep with all of his hypocrisy. Like when he talked about the guy who died in Iraq, he was going to avenge him by sending more...
I'd like some more Slayer, but the lyrics are too "mature" to make it onto a T game I would guess. Which means some of the best Slayer songs...
Yeah I know, but around 6:00 your teammate does it 2 or 3 times. I'm not accusing you guys of cheating, but something went wrong and it pissed me off.
Yeah and I'm pretty pissed about getting jewed over in the only gametype we had a chance at because you guys could 1-hit us.
I want a pet Titmar.
I only listen to 2 bands that happen to be performing any more - Slayer and Exodus. Both of which are too awesome to break up (forever). All the...
Oh...only 25$. I thought they would have to run a mile every day while being whipped if they were obese or something cool like that. But I guess not.
Oh man! That would be awesome! Why would he want to get rid of it? Sure it's kind of gross, but I mean, TREE! How many people can say they're a tree?
Am I the only who thinks this is an Ipod commercial with gum instead of an IPod? It's basically exactly the same.
Well if their rating system didn't suck so much, people would actually listen. I mean they rate games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band as T for...
No everything you download once (with the exception of Movie rentals and stuff) is available for re-download for free.
Ew Christian Metal. Just as I was thinking about 'acquiring' some of their songs. Something about Christianity and Metal don't mix. Maybe it's...
A few things... I doubt that industries could retrieve pure nicotine and dispense it into Marijuana. Nicotine occurs naturally in Tobacco which is...
No, Screamo seems to be what he's talking about. Now that's something where the lyrics aren't coherent. I always like any kind of metal because...
It doesn't need to be offensive, I had a friend names Karaz4646 who changed his name via complaints. But it's a really cheap way of doing it. If...
Custom Class Name: MHorteen (all of my classes try and pun the word Hor [not *****]) Main weapon: M14 Attachment: Red Dot (ACOG recoils too much)...
Boycotts don't work short term. People don't boycott meat one day every year to try and make the meat companies change their ways. Unless there...
I did see something like that, he pulled up from horizontal to vertical without going down at all. But I'm glad America's star Olympian (Phelps)...
People go to Ebay to find huge bargains. Just taking a quick look, PSP slims go for up to 150$, but regular PSPs are less than 100$. Without a...