My family is great. My parents and I still go out to eat together a couple times per month. Sometimes they do weird things, but if popularity is...
I've gone 50-7 in CoD4 in TDM, and went 90-12 in HQ or something. But I never did too well in WAW.
I'm thinking I'd like to be a chemical engineer, but I'm not sure. Although I'll definitely study somewhere in the field of chemistry.
Um, Screamo is essentially punk. If you mean Death Metal, you're way off. Also, the Grammys are such bullshit. It's all about the mainstreamiest...
No offline achievements count, this is something else. That's a bummer for you, but I had it worse. I played free XBL for the month, recovered at...
We had an should-be snow day. It was really terrible, the roads were a mess, it snowed a foot or so in less than an hour, accidents everywhere,...
If the only relevant topic is several months old, you can post a new topic. No one is going to yell at you because "This exact topic was made 5...
Wait, what? That's not death metal. That's not even metal. This This And this is death metal. I don't know where you were going with that one.
"Popular music is music that is accessible to the general public and disseminated by one or more of the mass media." I know what popular music...
"You can pick any popular singer or group that you want." Did you even bother reading the OP?
Anyone for Coldplay and Muse? God they're both so terrible.
It doesn't come out until June 9th 2009, but I already have it at the top of my GameFly queue. It looks like a lot of fun to me.
I got this a couple months ago. It's worse than the 3 rings because it gets off warranty after one year, and the cost to repair is ~150$ from what...
For people who say one red light isn't bad: This problem may be caused by a hardware failure in your Xbox 360 console. Which in my experience is...
My argument isn't invalid. It takes more than one clip to kill with the paratrooper and quite a bit more with the G3. Not to mention they can...
I could agree with most of what you said until this. I only rented the game because I heard the Single Player was good, but the multiplayer wasn't...
I don't know why the controls got a 15.5/16. My guy wouldn't do a damn thing right when I told him to. I would go straight down-up, and my guy...
I'd say Raining Blood and Green Grass and High Tides. I never really bothered with TTFAF (mostly because Activision charted it for difficulty not...
Would you consider doing a RB2 tournament also? I have both but I really prefer the metal songs in RB2 as opposed to the Nu-Metal and final tier...