ooooooooooh, yea. now the capitolization of the L in your name comes into play, and the respect comes pouring in. ;D Congrats
ok, thanks. so now weve got Linu, why hasnt Remedy gotten featured?
congratzulations! i new it would happen, redeemer is just too halo like to not feature.
shadow viper doesnt have it? why?!
soon to be posted? i wrote that?! lol, naw, its a ways off actually, do you want me to fix it?
alright man, take your time. been sketchupin it all day. ive got two new map plans for sandbox. both pretty similar to Cathedral.
hay, you run into a problem or got hung up?
i dont think i can make it another week vorpal. YOURE HOLDIN OUT ON ME MAN! lol, if you say its win, then i bleeve ya
wow, man, THANKS! i never have anytime for this kinda stuff. you saved me so much with this.
if its not all that much of a trouble, could you take a picture of the objects not seen. and i apologize if this has been asked already. i know...
flying from one end of foundry to the other takes 5 and a half seconds. i just did it. but thats from one parallel end to the other parrallel,...
120 .
the power weapons are suppose to spawn rarely right? the sniper and rocket have 150 sec on em.
gatcha, is it crucial to have the weapon spawn times too?
wilco, gimme 20
thats just it man, i really have lost confidence in myself with it, ive tried twice, got stuck twice. keep in mind youre dealing with a guy who...
great, great. have you tried out geomerging in the skybox yet? is that possible, or are you having trouble in certain areas throughout the map,...
alright, well rusty placed some spawn areas that should help it alot, and it already played exceptionally on almost all gametypes before, the only...
have you gotten to try out interlocking yet, and if so, does it look bad like some think it will? or are you still just fighting?
i cant get anyone to test. anyone! and i dont trust the testers guild. theyre all out for our money. i just know it. can ya get on skype?