night owl. alright guys, i dont know if im gonna get kicked off here, but i thouroughly disliked it. there were so many aspects, and i wish i...
A revolutionary architect. revolutionary because no one has my style.
im pretty psyched for it, even though i have no idea what the story is about. and also ive heard mixed reviews, that it was great, and also that...
should i start on Riptide on the bottom, middle, or top tier?
check it out! it will be a good friday. im glad you kept the same trademark, and again, i really like style and difficulty you bring that normal...
taking long breaks from FH.
ahh, thought you were a scorpions fan for a second there. i didnt here TDF lost admin, he runs things, how did he lose it?
when you say 'winds of change' do you mean a song?
the name Remedy wasnt applicable?
yo sup ma home dog! you said something earlyer about a map Lithium, did you ever post that one?
and youre proud of that? ARE YOU!!! >:O
yo! i saw that map you posted, and i wanted to check it out, but you have no link to the map.
by the inferno of a thousand pringles, youve got it! ok, ill ask. thank you
yo! hey i was wondering, since you said that there was too many items to make a screenshot of all of them together, or it would take too long, if...
ah ight, i will asap, if i can find time. i never have time anymooooor. oh, yea, and wheres my milk? i SPECIFICALLY asked for 2%
tell him i need to hear it, ive never heard him laugh. is it like a ducks quack? or a bark, what?
are you talking about TNF?
thank you kind sir. and dont let anyone know about it *looks around sneekily, then summersaults into a wall*
thats cheep. cheep cheep cheep. bungie should hand give it to him, for his contributions to the "shadow viper fail" saying. its basically got his...
Brilliant! worth that wonderful slice of burnt pizza. the fact the such gameplay can even exhist astounds the masses of crazed bungie fans, who...