darn my 3rd grade literacy rate! well, if you stole them, then how many were left? because theyre still in my belly. to steal them, you would...
you thought i cared about a flag? the only thing i care about protecting is my krispy cream dohnuts.
might you be interested? you are the only opponent who managed to hold back my rampage to date
so you never replied my to my random battle...... ...... "......."
poo-allie-waw-nuts. whats been crackalatin'?
oh, is it ready for testing?
thank you kind sir. btw, hows the remake of Colossus coming?
so i never got to see anzac. can i have Pics Ploz
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYA! congratzzz. loyalzinabox.
do you have a lazer blocked or OLN canvas you could give me the link to?
YO! i need to go over the layout i showed you today, and make things a little clearer. but im having problems with my computer, and also my NAT...
wars and rumors of wars rumored to me that you were said to have one lazer blocked, OLN canvas that i might retreive from you. is this true???
as long as its still epic. :D you should make another arc, delving out of the top of the sand mountain too.
might you be able to give me a link to the lazer blocked off canvas you had with all the OLN items present? ive also grown more and more eager...
happy birthday Josh!! i wish many a cake upon your gullet.
no prob! glad i could help man. =D
well, thats great, maybe we can get back up and running soon.
oh yea, ive seen alot of em, i picked that one cause i know you like adam sandler, butpersonally i like how connery has a pationate hatred for...
YO! i was busy thinking about puppies, when the thought came to me -Cerberus-3 headed puppy! and then i was like "hey, thats something felipe...
great. howd you get it?