talked to chrstphrbrnnn lately? lol
HALO 3 Bioshock Call of Duty 5 Assassins Creed Crackdown others that i liked mirrors edge rockband guitar hero gears of war1 and 2 left 4 dead...
cause your up dog. talk to DRiSCOLL about the transition. and try not to make a cabbin. ;D although cabins are great for...
hapy birthgay! oh, wait, i misspelled happy.
no prob, ill some bacon then.
well i think you did pretty good. the only problem i think you have is that you tried too hard on certain points, that heart other points, like...
C3 lol think you can get on tomorrow or friday in between like 5-10? ive got a sweeeet base to show you. the geomerged walls now curve with...
ppshhhhaw. theyre just jealous. :P check this one i got thats like dilemmachine- awesomeat ooohh yeaaa
i would pull my hair out but i dont have any, so i just kinda scratch and itch like crazy. but nothing happens. i am in the same boat as you...
how did you get that picture anyway?
welcome dude! glad you could make it to forgehub! if you have anyquestions, feal free to message me or anymoderator here. im sure youll find your...
great. you spelt "good" wrong. you also spelt your name wrong. but i wont mention that. if you had to choose to be viciously assaulted by one...
your lucky your sitting on a gold mine of names. like Dillemmachine is just a slap in the face to me lol
hello christopher, and how have you been this fine day?
what do you think of the name "Gattaca"? i know it was the name of a movie, but it's the transition of the chemical enzymes for human DNA. its...
yea, im moving at the end of summer. my moms moving tomorrow with my brother and sister. its just gonna be my dad and I for the summer.
nothing much, just finishing up the last days of the school year. t's all drama and what-not. hearts being broken and lives being shattered. the...
i came home to my brother yesterday to see him playing this. i loved it, and i still do. my highest recomendation for a single lane map to date....
i bought those myself?!!? and thats why im in a cage? and cant feel my toenails. nevertheless, you sir are underestimated, at this very...