ooohhhh!! i saw you were playin sandbox!! i see thats why you werent sending me an inv. i totally understand, you guys talk to a bungie enployee?...
ok, ill let you know. im starting to get a migrane, so i dont think im getting back on tonight. ttyl
ok. im thinking around 11 to 3 ill be on, and testing. get in on it if ya like.
now, tomorrow, tonight. around thatish.
heysupyo. im thinking that Cathedral could be posted this weekend at minimum, tomorrow if possible. last stage of testing needs to be done...
lol. sidewalk slap?
hey, you got the non premiums map yet?
well, i gota say, i really like the origionality to this map. the cascading double boxes is real nice, and i dont think i would have though of...
and i was too lazy to not eat the whole Nilla Wafers box. we all have our faults.
eh em, its "THE CRYPT", not the cave. get with the times
1v1 and 2v2, 3 is pushin it. oh, and the arches and the whole area around there, i deleted it, because i wanted to build a penguin, and i didnt...
i chose it just so that you couldnt hang out with your girl friend! *laughs sneekily*
dang man, youve improved alot! i remember like half a month ago when you released your other race map, and compared to this, that one looks like...
nop nop nop. did he refer it to meh?
your right, ill send an apology chair for them to sit on. spawns are done for Cathedral, you up for testing today? i could really use a "how a...
.............theirs. its probably cause im from texas.........
im just now realizing the non premiums have timed it so that i have to work right at the release of sandbox. lol
yes, that does look plugged up. but dont be fooled by the fact that it looks different from everything else around it, as the middle of things...