As for money...I had pretty much none left. And they are not as ranodm as they look, i did put some though into placement; as in how it would...
Looks REALLY good, but i didn't think MLG allowed shield doors? Apart form that, looks very neat.
O.k, thanks guys, i am a n00b to forge hub you may realise ^_^ As for it being to open, it hyas been play tested, and it is vrey fast, but the...
Map name- Cenotaph Gametypes- Team Slayer, Multi Flag CTF, and Assault. Players- 4-8 Description(BTW, this is not an MLG map) An MLG styled...
Great guide ^_^ This will really help me with geo-merging. BTW, i did know this, but i have forgot, there is a really neat and reliable way to get...