Sure, why not. domomd367 if you want to add me. I would prefer to do staged ones though, since it is more reliable and predictable, ghosts of...
Should it be legalized? Short- Yes. Long- Well, to be honest, if a woman does not mind being payed tio have sex with random people, who are...
I like how after having such a heavy debate in the 'theism and atheism' topic, the theists just ask questions when asked for proof. It is beyond...
I would agree with that. Murderers, rapists etc, does anyone honestly want these type of people in this world? I would hope not, so surely that...
I actually cannot believe you just typed that. It is not an opinion, a belief, or anything. They didn't exist, get over it. Again, i'm not, i...
For a n00b :) And yes, they are, like i have said to people, for example who have said that 'Ghosts of Elite' was to bright, if i made it a...
I love the look of the middle bit, very unique. I have downloaded, but obviously not played on it yet..but doesn't the fact that you have not...
What do you mean, i 'accused' them of not existing? Its a fact, not an opinion. I know you may have beleifs in God,(which even if i do not agree...
2, simple points- 1-I know this isn't really about Adam and Eve, but they never existed anyway. 2-It should be someones choice wether they wish...
Thanks for that, some good ideas. I particuly like the hidden weapon holder, thats a great idea, as is 'The perfect window,' that looks really...
Thanks! That has actually really helped. I would feel reluctent about believing you, if it were not for the fact that you had proof of your...
I understand how they work now, thanks ^_^ But how should they be placed? I am making a map at the moment, on foundry. I looked at default foundry...
With the first one, i was trying to get it so that the background was completely dark, so you could just see the spartan and the 'fireworks.' On...
Very true. I also think you maybe could of got a bit more of an overveiw for the pictures? Anyway, looks pretty clean, the first picture...
The first 2 were on guardian, the last one was in campiagn. None of the effects were the legendary maps. And yes, i agree with whoever said...
This picture reminds me of all the idiots who have 'MLG' in thier name when they actually suck ^_^ Nice picture.
Hmmm. Although it looks very neat, and, i have never seen much like it looks a bit overloaded. A warthog, on foundry? And a ghost! And...
Thanks for the comments. The next video will include tips for ranked team games, mainly focusing on objective games.
So do you beleive that 'God' is a supernatural force/being ot not? y points are based on whther your beliefs are of a supernatural God, not...
So you are saying that killing people because of thier sexuality, because they had sex before they got married,they worked on thw rong day, that...