[/I] So by lying, that lets us know that God is there? I think that is more of a joke than an argument.
Of course it makes minor population changes, but nothing worth doing. And of course they are acting in nature! They are foxes for **** sake,...
You find fighting fun, we find Hiding fun. Like i said, skill has nothing to do with it, we do it for enjoyment, and at the minute, i enjoy HLG...
There are fence walls so you can shoot people in there form the outside. Once again, Bungie do something good, everyone gets on their back without...
Some times when i forge, instead of saying 'Forge on Foundry' It says that the playlist (forge) is sandbox. I have had that a cpuple of times, but...
...Your are wrong. Shiska wants maps that play well, and technicly work. He is not interested in all the stuff we get on this site that looks...
Spawning is the only thing left to do on my current map, but it is just so boring and annoying i have just given up for a few days =)
I get this alot, usually when i have a lack of inspiration. You just have to find something, either a friend to give you moral support, or just...
Don't get me wrong, i do HLG, i understand why people do it, and i understand why people hate it. I used to hate it, i tried it, now i like it, so...
If you eat it, i guess it is not so bad, since you killed it for a reason, just like animals do to each other, but it hunting for fun that really...
Hmm. It is interesting, but if you think about it, people do not hunt to keep population numbers down, or anything like that. They do it because...
I will try to find a picture for you... [IMG] It has changed a little now, but on that upside down double box, behind the small barrier was...
Just to clarify : If have read the Forge Tutorial Master Index, and as far as i can see, it does not solve my problem. O.k, so, i have learned...
The bases are symmetrical, so there should be 2 pure pwn sceenshots =) If you do get to play on it, could you give some feedback about how it...
Looks very much worth a Download. I like in the first picture, how you merged that wall next to the windows, and the stairs in the floor look...
OMFG. I don't even want to know...actually i do. How did you make that elevator? It is the single most innotive thing i think i have ever seen. I...
Ah, that is because i have only set it up for 2 teams, not multi team or anything. I should have metioned, sorry. Do you mean, for example, i...
In the first version, those ledges were possible to get to. So i had to block them off. I then lowered the sniper tower, and forgot to remove...
Hmm. I know it does not look amazing, but it is neat, and gameplay is good. The weapon layout and spawns are just as important as map looks, you...
Thanks for the feedback. I already have testers, but if i do need any, i will add you. Or you can add me if you want -domomd367.