My grandparents are devout christians. I probably know more about the Bible then you do. Don't assume that you know more than anyone else. The...
So just because we don't believe in the god from the bible, that makes us ignorant?
So el diablo do you believe in god or not? I cant figure that out. But I'll try to find some sources for the making of the Bible. All of the...
Oh i see. Yea unless your map is tiny and you have a lot of cover that probably won't work out very well. I usually put at least 50 on my foundry maps
Why would you want to believe in a god that sends people to hell to suffer for the rest of time? and why would you want to worship him? the only...
I don't really understand the point of the game. Could you describe it more and add more pictures?
Why can you only put 16 spawns? does placing other items effect the spawn limit in sandbox?
I think the maps are coming out at midnight in the bungie time zone. I dont know what time zone they're in but you could probably look it up.
yea they arent working lol. And what does dwld mean? oh and you also managed to screw up the fileshare link haha. this was pretty much an all...
I've always wanted to build a map like this. It seems like it would be very fun. That first picture is sweet too lol. Umm I don't really have any...
Yea it looks wayy to open. Add a couple more bases or structures in the middle and some stuff around the edges for cover. maybe add another layer...
no lie this is probably one of the best maps ive seen on the crypt. The structures are amazing, and the weapons seem very balanced. I don't even...
Yea bungie should probably just give it to the people that bought halo wars. I guess it really isnt a big deal though. bungie pro should just be...
alright ill probably try to do it then, but ill probably wait until after i do the halo 3 campaign. Then ill move on to halo 2 and maybe even halo...
and you added capture points right? lol
Whoa this looks pretty amazing. The weapons might be a little overpowering. I like the way that the wall divides the two bases. The tunnel will...
The map looks like it would be fun. Too bad I can't tell if it actually is because you dont have a download link. I'm pretty sure thats one of the...
I love sandbox. I just wanted to throw that out there lol. The racetracks im seeing on it just blow foundry away. This is one of the better tracks...
I didn't get an xbox until christmas 2007 so my first games were guitar hero 2 and halo 3. My friend had one for a while before that though so i...
Instead of making new games every month they should just have downloadable things from the xbox live marketplace. Actually they already do. But...