Two Words.... Douche Bag.
I'm skeptical but I try to keep an open mind.
I'd buy one. It's like a bouncy ball.... BUT ON WATER >_> <_<
The lyrics seem good. But I know nothing about guitar. So if you could just record you playing or have someone do it I would have better feedback.
Thats amazing. He's epic.
I've had one. They had to dig it out with a needle point. It hurts. All bugs are just gross. Anything that lives in or on someone else is just...
I don't like any of the choices. But I'm fourteen so it doesn't matter. I agree that as long as its a joke and you don't mean the harmful things...
I think thats epic. Yeah he broke the law but it was cool. If only he had a bus and some henchmen to hack into the security system /end movie...
I believe the good reason was a religious one. Hey I believe in god but I'm not gonna stare at the sun long enough to go blind to see him. He can...
I'm on 5th or 6th headset since December. They all seem to have a break in the inner cords or something. Battery's are guzzled by the controller.
Looks amazing where can I find this map and game?
Pc>then mac in my opinion I think you deserve and EPIC PHAIL!
im in l 1337 Hax0r l fr please? lol
congrats on getting this featured.
Thats absolutely ridiculous. How can you ban a personality? I mean wtf. That's like saying its ok to ban same sex couples or white people. It's...
Xbox Live Gamertag: l 1337 Hax0r l ForgeHub Username: l 1337 Hax0r l Age: 14 Do You have a mic?: Yes Requested Lines: Doesn't matter. I would...
I'm not all that fond of the new mii's or whatever MS is going to call them, but in time I'm sure we will get used to them. I would love to just...
worst thing IMO was in 300 when Leonidas fought so hard through out the entire movie just to be killed. I was pissed yet sad.
If people are dying either lower the voltage or find a new alternative.
I like ranch on pizza. My friends uncle dared my friend to mix milk with pepsi. So he did. He threw up everywhere and then expected me to try it...