looks sweet. cant really get a grasp for how big it is though, does it take up the whole area of foundry?
yeah that would be awesome! i have a few friends that would be able to test too, just give me a time
i might also be releasing a map pack by around the middle of january, not sure though... still lots to build and test :cry: this sounds pretty...
those are the kind of maps that usually end up being pretty good. someone outside of the whole interlocking/geomerging fad that has a good idea....
I posted this in forge discussion about an hour ago. I tried to make an example, but looking back at it right now, it didn't really illustrate my...
sounds like a plan. ill go post a link to this thread and see if anyone wants to make a better example.
ha... maybe i should take this idea to someone whos actually good with photoshop then. all i know how to do is layers, brushes, and text... pretty...
yeah idk though... any smaller and its hard to see whats going on yeah i guess i see what you mean. this is one of those ideas where i thought of...
show me one time where they have used pictures to do the entire post
so be it... at least comment on what i actually said though
first off: i wasn't sure where to post this. if a mod wants to move it, go ahead would creating a series of pictures be allowed when posting a...
do you want the boxes on the far left and/or the far right merged into the ground slightly
thank god! ive been waiting for someone to make a detailed tutorial about this for a while
just do exactly what you would think... have it drop from above the ground i usually just put down a door vertically, put the weapon on top of it...
so... i see you finally posted it! =) you put a LOT of work into this. the gameplay is phenomenal, the aesthetics are amazing, and it is very...
wow guys i appreciate the comments and everything, but please stop bumping the thread. i posted this map on 8/30... now at 11/10, i think this...
the picture though...? not so much. its gonna be hard going to sleep tonight lol
yeah i see what you mean... i guess usually people (including me) just put weapons down according to what looks good =/ in fact, your post just...
looks really good! i really like how the stuff is linked together by platforms, and the pipes are really smooth. I give it a 5/5 who has the...