And seriously, I want to DL this! But I'll prob have xbl by next week maybe tuesday or maybe even later, Ill post If you still want to playtest...
I know that it's a little much to put up a thread, but I REALLY want that map. It was a cave map that was super dark and made for infection. It...
I don't know, but you could try.
you can make it in all the gametypes you want. Basically go into any gametype you want it in, Lets say CTF. Then you goe to advanced settings....
Ok so first of all, you may be thinking,"Why a gametype preview?"Well, that's because of 2 things: 1. I have no xbox live, so i can't upload it to...
If we suggest a map does it have to be a competitive map? Or can it be a minigame map?
Dude seriously, don't even joke. Edit: here's a better one: [IMG] Edit2: darn, still off color, hold on… [IMG] Edit3:Finally Edit4: Or if you...
It might just be me, but it looks like the blue base is much bigger and more overpowerd. No DL.
Looks great. It's the only racetrack that I have downloaded since the week of release. Ill get back to you… Edit: WOW… Ok but seriously,...
Honestly, I feel pretty much like Jolan, no offence. Edit: Also why 2 vids?
I agree, child abuse must stop. Hold on… [IMG] Feel free to take that if you want, I made it in literally like 5 seconds. And sorry it's bad...
for stockpile, you only need a few things. First of all, go into forge and change the gametype to stockpile You need at least one flag stand....
Well, people remember to come back online to give feedback for it, so why not ratings. Also, how do you rate things, are we talking about...
Did you even watch the video? It looks like sooooooo much fun!!!!!!! Anyway, I would totally DL this if you put up the link. I know that it's...
Sweet, I would totally test this, but unfortunately I have no xbox live. :{ I would, however, download this and play on it and try to get back to...
Next time think before you post
purple juicy and pen and ink are what I could find, but there are others that fit with the occasion
ohhh yeahhhhhhhh lol Or…(dramatic pause)… you could make a platform with mancanons that spawn at the right time and have them 1 second respawn....
dude, your avatar made me lol so hard…
Unfortunately, it does not actually give off any light