bounty [IMG] please pay more atension to the background, thats the main point of this screenshot. hope you like it taken: 25/4-09 DOWNLOAD
i beleve this is how a map should look. you clarely didnt spend less than 10 hours on this. great interlocking dude. 5/5
i like most of this map, but i think that banshee spawn is a copy of the one on sandtrap so its not that original. its a realy well done map and u...
the pictures are realy small, u should use
im sorry for this, i guess i didnt notice the starting points up there. ive fixed it now though, i'l edit the dl link.
gleam this is my first screenshot so have mercy... [IMG] technique used to make this: 1- have your player stand somewhere with your...
good work, i like the bases realy good, the middle area is not that good though. i think you should describe more and add some action shots and a...
i like this, i just dont think the background is that nice. 4/5
i definately love the first one 5/5 keep up good work!
i love this, i agree its no good idea to put a mauler up there but its worth a DL.
[IMG] this is the second version of my map grand, i hope you guys who saw the previous version like the change. i only added a walkway though....
i wana thank you for nice comenting, please download and tel me what needs improvement. and please send me a friend request... im lacking forge...
yo meka
greetings, i have read your coments and i am now going to make a weapon list. if there are any more requests tel me.
this sounds like the perfect gaetype, you are a genius and you deserve reconXD i realy think this map should be featured. 10 stars for you!
this looks grate, youve done a good job and i like the symetry in this map. keep this going. 9/10
compact this is a simple 1v1 BR arena, ive tested it and it does work perfectly if you ask me. be constructive with your feedback please....
compact this is a 1v1 BR map, its realy small and its a good way to train your BR skills. blue side: [IMG] red side: [IMG] download
theres a man canon right underneath it, just isnt spawned on the picture
i have'nt stolen any ideas from anyone, my brother came up with the pilar.