make the pictures bigger but besides that the mad looks a little bit bare. you might wanna give the infected more cover so that they dont just...
its really big. might be a little to big to stick in a map. try making it a little bit smaller then i would dl it. looks a little messy to but...
i think you might want to reconsider the fuel rod idea. you might want to make it a rocket launcher or something. the fuel rod cannon is to strong...
you should make more holes there isnt that many and it would be a lot better i think if you had more holes. nice minigame idea.
the first and third maps look pretty cool the sword map looks alright but all around for the pack i would have to say 4/5 nice job for your first...
this map looks a little open and theres not much in the map it doesnt look like it was planned out or even tested. next time try and make a better...
im actually gonna dl this map right now and go check it out i wish you would get those pics up to make your post up to standards though.
this map looks really cool and well made nice job on it i havent seen a lot of ghost town map varients. 5/5
you dont have very many pictures of your map so i cant see a lot of them but i guess you did a good job on parts of the map but ive seen better...
i like it a lot, it looks a lot it also looks a lot like wall-e and ive never seem wall-e been made before so nice job on the first one.
parts of the map look sort of bare like the shotgun room and from what ive seen in the pics the spawn placement looks a little bad.
doesnt look like the people that are supose to kill the gaurdds have a lot of cover but i guess thats a good idea, just needs a better map to go...
looks sort of boring i dont like how its just an empty open room where people are supose to fight. looks like it would be a big vulture game. no...
it seems really open in some parts of the map and i dont like how you just stuck a bunch of weapons against a wall. i dont really like this map 3/5
looks sort of cool. i dont really like the stairs on top of stairs. it doesnt look very good but i guess the map looks like it has a good flow and...
i like the map its very well made and i also really like the staircase. and the underdogs base made of barriers. very cool looking. great job 4/5
it just looks like epitaph with a couple added weapons. not much was done to the map and it looks like a quick made map. i dont think this map is...
looks like a cool map. i like the idea of a sacrafice pit. infection is probably the best gametype for this map. i dont know about the infinate...
doesnt look any hardcore because i dont think there are hammers in hardcore gametypes. also all you did was add a couple barriers and weapons to...
looks sort of cool but some of the stuff is done pretty basicley and didnt take much time to make. the idea of being trapped witha rocket launcher...