looks cool. It should be the real foundry! :D
Wow looks like a really fun arena. great job.! But i have one question..... How do u get that one double box to sit under the ground ? xD sorry...
I have tryed this map... Its awesome! great job dude it should be on the playlist. :)
wow awsome map you have made! i didnt believe u could make a so big map on Blackout! 5/5
yes it also works to real slayer! :D
Ye i think im the first Halo 3 player who make exploding death pits! :D!
Its incridible how fast people looks at other maps and comment them on forgehub. Forgehub is awsome. Good luck with your maps you are always...
Thank you :)
this map is very fun. I really like to play it in asymmtric games
Thank you. :)
Well 1. No it dosent lag i can promise that when i have played. 2. You shall not look at those fence walls/boxes. They are just made so you cant...
[IMG] Coil Sourche. (The picture from above is overview 1 of the map) This is my best map ever that works to all game types. Its an arena...