hmmm, I'll check if I won later, I REALLYhope i did so I don't haz to wait until next fall
Mine would be ODST Head (best helmet in the game, even better than flaming recon lol) the EVA shoulders (they look ODST shoulder peices if you...
looks good, it could probably use more space judging by the pictures, the link isn;t working for me though so i can't say much other than, looks good
ya, thanks for the help, but I did all that and it came out that size
Hi, I'm kinda new to FH and this will be my first time posting some cool screenies I took so don't judge to harshly First Pic: Epic [IMG] My...
that is truely an amazing picture, way to go with the lighting it looks amazing
alright, thanks guys
what do the scouts do? I might be interested
Ok, I just got 1000g for Halo 3 and yet my Katana isn't there and neither is my security helmet, why? do you need to get 49 achievments as well...
I did the same thing, it made me so pissed off
I recently have heard that the Recon armor will be both useable in Halo 3: ODST and regular Halo 3, but will the rest of the armors be usable on...
lol at the 5th and 6th, how did you make so the guy was holding the turret
I don't have a link to this so called "Cube" but I could help you make something similar using a fusion coil or plasma grenade or something, send...
alright cool! thanks for offering to help, I'll send you a friend request, but I probably won't be on until this weekend.
alright well, Im kinda new at FH but i don't think this is up to standards, it's really plain and the idea has been used a million and a half...
ok, I has a question, and it is, WHEN IS THE MYTHIC MAP PACK COMING OUT????? they released new acheivements for it yet there is still no sign of...
This sounds like you're on to something definetly, Im gonna go searching around with my clan and see if we can find anything, In fact, maybe I'll...
Does anybody know of a race map on avalanche or another good ship map that has a race track that goes through a large ship/ multiple smaller...
dude, he's going like, supersayin or something
I totally support this cause, espcially because I am starting to fool around with making machinimas, and also becasue I am in an RP group on halo....