I'd prefer the green background on both teleporters a la Halo CE, but I'd definitely recommend hiding the node itself and just increasing the...
There's something about this that I'm in love with. I'll wait until the file share is up, but it's an instant download when it is.
Nice use of the green 'water'. Too bad there's a death zone there. Once the fileshare comes back online I'll take a look.
As true as it can be, and that's not a knock on your work, which is well done. It's just a realization that Forge really needs a set of terrain...
Okay, I'm really digging the use of the Impact items. They're integrated as hallways in a larger map. When the file share search comes back up...
This is downright spot on. I'm majorly impressed.
I didn't know any one still played the original Jedi Knight. I sunk so many hours into that game. I'd play that over Halo if it were re-released...
It looks great, and yet at the same time I can't help but feel like it's being dragged down by Erosion's bland color palette. I'll definitely give...
Posted this on another forum: Maybe I can 'fake' it by using shields to connect two rooms. That way fire doesn't get through, effectively doing...
Looks like one of the best so far, and for once the Erosion palette doesn't ruin the experience. Consider it downloaded.
I count 15, but maybe I'm missing something: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060728001643/halo/images/5/55/ChironTL34_Map.jpg
Is six the max in all three Forge maps? I thought that was just for Impact.
@Smurfed - Glad you're not offended. I find with just about every Forge map I download I tweak a bit for my group's play style. Nice job.
Liked the layout overall. For my own group of friends we added ramps from red/blue ledges up to the green top room as it really only served...
Yeah, I'm not sure why, as great as Forge World's stuff is (truly) there weren't more choices, or at least texture variants on existing stuff so...
There's the thread at the link below, but it's about a new Forge World level entirely. I figure making a global list of things we'd like wouldn't...
Guess I should introduce myself first. I'm a long time lurker, first time poster. I've been a modder for 10+ years (yes, I'm in my 30's) doing...